A Chairde,
Ní bheifear ag dul ar aghaidh leis an gComórtas Podchraoladh don scoilbhliain 2024-25. Tá an mholtóireacht ar siúl faoi láthair do chomórtas 2024 agus beifear i dteagmháil leis na buaiteoirí in am tráth.
Le dea-ghuí,
Gael Linn
Gael Linn - Podcast Competition
This is a competition for post-primary schools aimed primarily at Transition Year classes. It is suitable as project material for students. However, students from all classes are allowed to participate.
Category A: For Irish-medium post-primary schools and for students in Irish-medium streams
Category B: For post-primary schools that do not teach through Irish.
2023 Gael Linn Podcast Competition Winners
The 2023 Competition Winners will be announced on RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta's entertainment show, Bladhaire, hosted by Áine Ní Bhreisleáin in September 2023.

What kind of podcast?
A Talk Show: Interview, Debate, Conversation, News & Sport
A Magazine Show: A mix of content, discussion and music
A Feature Show: A biography of a person’s life, a project undertaken by students, a local history programme or a feature on a particular historical event.
Radio Drama: You can use a variety of effects, sounds, music and conversation to bring your drama to life.
Some examples from 2021 entries can be found on the links below:
- Click here to listen to 'Podchraoladh PCD', Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne, Dingle.
- Click here to listen to 'Durún Dúnmharaithe', Meánscoil an Ghrianáin Mhuire, Athlone.
- Click here to listen to 'Ardán na Feóire', Coláiste Cois Life, Lucan.
1. Choose the topic – make sure that the students themselves are interested in the subject. Try to catch the listener’s ear – use your imagination to choose unusual content!
2. Divide out the different jobs; producer (possibly two), presenter, interviewer, reporter, researcher, etc.
3. Compile a schedule. A detailed description of the podcast is required here. The content, the amount of time for each piece and the people involved should be clear from the beginning. Every piece of audio, song, etc. must be in Irish.
4. Gather the information and put it together in an interesting way. Write out the script. Make sure the presenter rehearses it and is fluent and easily understood. The podcast should have an intro at the beginning with some information about the subject(s) to be discussed, who will be interviewed, etc.
5. Setup and record any interviews or vox pops that will be part of the podcast.
6. Choose appropriate pieces of music for the podcast. Music adds to the atmosphere of the podcast – especially at the beginning and the end of the programme. A few notes (called a sting) could be inserted between items to indicate that one item is ending and another beginning. Music and musicians should be given recognition throughout the podcast.
7. Try to use good audio equipment. Do a soundcheck in advance with everyone that will feature on the podcast. Voice levels should be the same throughout the podcast– do not have the listener lowering / raising their volume while listening! Great care must be taken not to disturb the recording with background noises –doors opening, people talking, things falling off tables, etc.
8. Record the podcast with attention to time. It is important that no one goes over time.
9. Listen to and evaluate the podcast. It is worth getting advice on editing the podcast. Re-record any unsatisfactory piece.
10. Above all, enjoy the process!
The adjudicators for this competition will be well-known broadcasters. The adjudicators will take the students own input into the preparation of the podcast and their fieldwork into account when reaching a decision, along with the following aspects:
Content of the Podcast; Script; Music Selection; Atmosphere; Interviews / Vox Pops; General Interpretation; Recording Quality; Soundtrack and Decoration.
The adjudicator’s written report on each podcast entered will be made available to schools when the results are announced.
Three national prizes will be awarded to the top three podcasts, regardless of which category the schools have entered. This will be followed by three prizes for the three best podcasts in Category A and Category B
National Prizes
The adjudicators will select the top three podcasts in the competition regardless of catagories;
First Prize €1,000
Second Prize €600
Third Prize €400
Prizes in Category A and Category B
The following prizes will be announced for category A and category B
First Prize €300
Second Prize €200
Third Prize €100
A certificate will be awarded to each student who participates in the podcast.
All prizes in this competition will be awarded to the schools and we recommend that the prize money be spent on recording equipment for the school.
1. This is a competition for a podcast (talk show, feature, etc.) lasting between 15 and 20 minutes.
An interesting podcast must be made, always remembering that it is important to keep listeners engaged. (see “Steps” above)
A choice of approach can be used – for example interviews, conversation, music, news and more.
4. It is recommended that one theme be selected and developed.
5. All audio, songs, etc. must be in Irish.
6. Although the teacher will be allowed to give guidance, it is the students input that will be mainly taken into account by the adjudicator.
7. There is no limit to the number of students who can participate in the podcast.
8. Each school is allowed to enter up to 3 programmes in the competition.
9. A high standard of recording will be expected in all entries.
To enter, click on REGISTER NOW at the top of the page.
We are now accepting online entries! Each entry will cost €10.
After receiving your entry, a form will be sent which must be completed with the details of the programme. The podcast itself must be uploaded to anchor.fm. The link to your anchor podcast must on the form and received by Gael Linn by 15 March 2024.
Mairéad Ní Neachtain
Gael Linn
35 Sráid an Dáma
Baile Átha Cliath 2
087 3593957